Caring For Your Growavy Piece(s)

Growavy designs are crafted to last forever, and you can easily keep them shiny and clean as new!

Here are some tips on cleaning and maintaining your Growavy piece(s):

Copper - This metal oxidizes the fastest, so after a few weeks of wearing a copper design, it will begin to “patina,” or darken. You can bring it to its full shine again by soaking the design in lime juice or lemon juice for 5-10 minutes (citric acids have been found to corrode Malachite, so if your design includes Malachite, it is best to skip this step), rinsing the design in warm water (optional: while scrubbing with a toothbrush and soap, which helps to remove deep oxidation), drying it with a paper towel or regular towel, and, to go the extra mile, rubbing it with a jeweler’s polishing cloth or soft cloth. For a professional polishing shine, it is recommended to use a lathe or polishing cabinet with buffing wheels and polishing compounds. To slow down the oxidation process and allow the copper to stay shiny for longer, it is recommended to avoid wearing your copper piece(s) while bathing, swimming, or exercising. Because airflow and moisture are the primary causes for the oxidation of copper, storing your copper pieces in a dry, airtight container allows them to hold their shine for longer.

Lime Juice: For designs with crystals other than Lapis Lazuli and Malachite

Lemon Juice: For designs with Lapis Lazuli (lime juice causes Lapis Lazuli to weaken)

Silver - This metal oxidizes much more slowly than copper. When it becomes darkened, the above cleaning and methods for copper will work just as well for silver. Silver pieces are also best kept in dry, airtight containers, but if you leave it out, it won’t make as much of a difference as it would with copper.

Gold - The same cleaning methods for copper and silver work just as well for gold. However, gold takes a long time to patina, if it ever does. The amount of time it will take for a gold design to patina depends on the purity of the gold: 14k gold oxidizes very slowly, and 18k gold oxidizes even more slowly, whereas 24k gold never oxidizes. 14k & 18k gold pieces generally hold their shine however you store them, but a dry, airtight container is the best storing place to make the shine last even longer.

Orgonite - It is most important to keep orgonite designs away from excessive heat and friction. As the polyester resin that composes orgonite is created through an exothermic process (giving off heat), applying significant heat to the orgonite may reverse the process through which it was formed, and the orgonite may melt, crack, or fall apart. It is recommended to avoid sleeping while wearing orgonite (as the increased body heat and unpredictable movements may cause the piece to slightly melt, or become sticky or damaged), wearing orgonite between layers of clothing (as the friction and body heat may cause the piece to stick to clothing, it is best to wear the orgonite on the outermost clothing layer or against bare skin), and showering while wearing orgonite, as the hot water may cause the orgonite to melt or become foggy, depending on the temperature. It is also recommended to keep orgonite away from hot surfaces, as they can cause the orgonite to melt. To clean your orgonite, you can follow the same methods for cleaning copper pieces, except soaking the orgonite in the lime/lemon juice is not necessary (unless it is wrapped in a metal, especially copper), and the orgonite must be rinsed with cold water. As orgonite may chip or break if dropped, it is recommended to store orgonite pieces in extremely safe locations, especially locations which are low in elevation, so that the orgonite would not be damaged very much, if at all, if it were to fall.

Peace and love - and may your new design(s) be handed down in your family for generations to come!


Growavy Jeweler